You made it to the end of July.
Which also means you made it to the end of Plastic Free July.
Where are you?
Is your life just the same as it was before or have you begun to notice your consumption and dependency on plastic?
I want to share two stories that I think display the point of Plastic Free July.
The first, is actually about my dad. If you were to ask him if he was an environmentalist he would give you a strange look as if you just asked him what it was like to attend college on mars.
However, he recently purchased a small storage shed to keep outside under the deck. He was randomly telling me about all the possible options and why he decided on the one he bought and at the end of his (long) list of reasons he added, “Oh, and it was made with recycled plastic. Not that that was the most important thing, but hey, it’s something”.
He didn’t want me to get too excited, but I did.
Because he noticed.
He was more aware of products that use recycled plastic versus virgin plastic.
That’s the first goal - awareness.
Here’s the next goal - easy first actions.
My best friend sent the above to me and was excited. Because not only did she notice the problem, but she could envision easy and practical solutions.
It may not seem like much, but it’s the little steps that help us reach the goal.
The steps required for our society to cease its dependency on plastic are massive and cannot be accomplished with only one person. But, similar to voting in elections, a collective group of individuals can together take that massive step.
I hope that you’ve learned something this month.
I won’t be posting every week now that Plastic Free July is over, but I’ll try and throw out my two cents whenever I can.
Until next time,